I can hardly believe that I am saying this...it's been 1 year and 2 days since we first met Hazel:
She had us at hello |
And one year exactly that she came to our home as a "foster". This photo was taken within the first 15 minutes of her arrival. We took her into the backyard and immediately started playing ball with her. We shrieked and giggled (well at least us girls), at how cute she looked when she pounced.
That happiness and joy was very short lived, as our girl got very sick the very next morning. Thankfully it was short lived, and she was back to herself in a couple of weeks.
To celebrate her "new leash on life", we took her to pick out some toys.
Things were not always smooth sailing at the beginning, but we worked very hard as a family to set rules and boundaries.
Hazel was a great student....well......sometimes... ;0
The first time she did a little digging |
It didn't take long before my girls developed a very sweet bond. Hazel soon learned that little humans are pretty darn cool.
National dog day, enjoying doggy yogurt. |
Our first family trip together was pretty special.
Our first family trip to a cabin |
Hazel came to us after the devastating loss of the last of our girls. For the first time in 20 years, we had NO furry babes in the house. It was terrible. Hazel brought so much life in the house, (though you wouldn't know it from all of her couch potato pictures!), and soon our hearts started to heal.
Our first hike together :) |
The day we made it official!!! |
First Thanksgiving |
First Christmas |
You know, just hangin' |
We've had so many adventures....
Queen of the mountain |
Hangin' at the park |
Exploring a new trail... |
Peanut butters!!! |
ummmmm..... |
Being SO good with my sissy! |
A common occurrence in our household |
I have explored so many trails and mountains with this girl, trails that would have gone undiscovered had it not been for her. I have so much fun with her. When we are on the mountain, we are both in our happy place.
Then our girl got very sick again........there was a time I thought we might lose her.
This was the second time since we had her that I feared losing her. We were sick with worry.
Then, our girl "pulled a Hazel" and rallied again. Her recovery made any other "life stressors" that I might have been feeling disappear. We were so incredibly grateful that she was ok and were reminded of what was truly important. As long as well all had our health, life is good.
I cannot wait to see what our future brings. I pray she stays healthy and lives a long life. I look forward to hopefully finding another dog who is her soul pup..We have so much to look forward to!
Trying to describe how much she means to me is impossible. I will however do everything possible to show her.
Happy one year anniversary Hazel!!! We love you to the moon and back.
What a beautiful story! I love the picture of the 2 of them lying on the floor together. :)