Thursday, January 15, 2015

My baby got hurt-bad mama moment

Right now I'm at work and it's the last place I want to be. I can't stop thinking about my girl and just want to go home and cuddle her.

My babe got hurt this morning and I feel just terrible about it. We were running very early this morning as usual, and occasionally we run up to a city park that has very large, grassy (lit) baseball/soccer fields. At 4am in the morning, NOBODY is out and it's a great chance for us to race around off leash. We don't do it often, but when we do, Hazel loves it so much. This morning she "asked" to go there (by pulling when we got to the trail that leads to the park).

We were having a great time until Hazel decided to run up a mountain that is at the edge of this park. A very rocky mountain. In pitch dark blackness. There is only one very narrow actual trail, but the rest of the mountain is loose, very sharp rocks, cactus, and other vegetation.

She simply disappeared. Just like that. I called her back as soon as she started running up but she was gone. I used the flashlight on my phone to find the trail and head up after her. I could only hear the sound of the bushes rustling, and knew she was way ahead of me. I suspected that she was close to the top and would be heading down the other side, so I went back down to the base and ran over to the side I thought she would be coming down from. I was panicked. What if she caught up with a coyote? What if she ran into cactus?? I was terrified thinking of all the things that could happen to her.

Finally, I heard the sound of heavy panting, and knew my girl was close. She had already made it down the other side as suspected, and came running over to me. I was so relieved to hear her, and turned my flashlight toward her to check for injuries. All four paws were bloodied. :( I removed one small cactus spine, (thank GOSH there wasn't more) and checked her pads to make sure she was ok to walk. We were about a mile and 1/2 from home, and she *appeared* to be ok and was not limping, so we set off for home. She was not herself and was moving slowly. We made it home and I immediately checked her out. All four of the lower part of her legs were also bleeding. The hind legs are scraped up, but she has deeper cuts on the front legs. I can also see some scrapes on the barrel of her chest.

I cleaned her wounds the best I could and put some antibiotic creme on them. My poor girl curled up and went immediately back to sleep.

I had to leave for work early this morning, but hubby is home. He said she is mostly sleeping, but when she does get up, she's moving very slowly and is sore.

I feel like such a terrible mom who didn't protect her baby. Hazel needs to have some freedom and has been doing so.well. with recall when we're out, but my "recall" was no match for whatever scent she caught this morning. I feel very lucky. Things could have been much worse. I've never had a dog hurt "on my watch". :(

I can't wait to get home to her.


  1. Oh no! I hope Hazel is healing ok. Don't beat yourself up too bad. Dogs do these things. Kaya is so athletic but she is thin-skinned & gets bloody paws & legs a lot in the snow. She also cuts her upper pads when she plays fetch. I learned the hard way that I must wrap her legs every time she plays fetch on hard ground. One time I was lazy & she nearly ripped her whole pad off. It took her a month to heal:(

    1. Oh wow! I never thought of that! They seem so delicate in that area , it makes perfect sense to do that! Do you have a pic of your wrap job?? She is still tender footed and hasn't been able to go out. I don't know how long I should keep her from exercising. I figured I would follow her cue. It's weird not being out on

    2. Whoops! Saturday morning. Thanks for sharing/ it makes me feel a little better .:)

    3. Ya, sometimes I think injuries are part of the fun. Liked getting a skinned knee when you're a kid;) Do you have somewhere grassy she could play for now?

      I don't think I have any close up shots of Kaya's wraps. I just buy rolls of vet-wrap from the drug store or Target & wrap her from about half way up her shins, around her upper pads to just above her foot. The material sticks to itself (but not to her). Afterwards I cut them off(easier than unwrapping) & throw them away.

      Here's the best pic I could find:
