Let me preface this by saying that what happened next was MY fault and my own damn stupidity. I am embarrassed to even tell the story, but it pretty much tainted the rest of the weekend. Hazel and I were less than a mile from home when we saw a man an his very reactive dog approaching across the street. Hazel started to pull but I put her in a sit/"wait" as I do in similar situations, and she is always a rock star as the dog passes. Well, today my girl caught me off guard. She was "in postion" as requested, and I let my guard down. I was relaxed..too relaxed, and just as the dog was nearly past us, it reared up on it's hind legs and barked. This was too much for my girl to take, so she suddenly pulled with such a force that sent me literally up in the air off the curb I was on, into a semi somersault, landing on my shouler/hand/arm onto the asphalt. It. hurt. Now here is where I get proud of my girl all over again. She was like, "oh crap mama,I didn't meant to do that" and came right back to me as the person and his dog kept going. (Even though this was totally my fault for not controlling Hazel, like totally, I know!) I was also bleeding profusely and in so much pain I was crying. I thought I had broken my hand because I couldn't move it and it hurt like a mutha.
Regardless, this fine gentleman kept on walking, not even asking if I was ok. Now granted, he had no idea what Hazel's temperpent was like, and he could have been more concerned just getting his own dog under control, but he could have at least yelled back in my direction just to see! Argh! Moving on, with blood dripping down my body, I gathered the strength to try and make it home. I took a short cut down a dirt canal path, still crying out loud. I can only imagine what I must have looked like. It didn't take long before I started to feel faint and knew I was going to pass out. Grrreat. My hands were too mangled to use my phone, so I had Siri call the hubby. I just kept yelling so that he could hear me, "I'm hurt! I'm going to pass out! I'm on the canal just in case I don't make it home, come find me". Oy. My poor husband..I can't imagine what he must have been thinking. I made it to our neighborhood when I was met by him squeeling around the corner. He loaded us up and took us home. I will spare you the rest of the details, other than my hand was NOT broken, which I was ever so thankful for. Just swollen. I may be missing a few layers of skin on both hands, shoulder is jankie, and I have nice road burns on my shoulder, forearm, and hip. It made the rest of the weekend a little lower key. I was really sore and didn't feel like going on our long hike. :( We still got out for walks, but no fun adventures. Hence this pathetic look...
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"I have NO idea who was snootin' around in the garden. none." |
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Two sleepy girls during catching the DVR of #pitbullsandparolees This time Hazel couldn't help but to fall asleep on her cushy girl pillow. |
Hazel was very sweet towards me all weekend. She was obsessed with my bandages and kept sniffing my "owies" constantly. She curled on next to and on top of me all weekend. I love this girl. (Despite the fact that she stole half of my toast right under my nose..and she was NOT one bit sorry.;) )
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